Tien Le, the employment specialist, schedule an appointment with
this particular company in order
for me to have and interview. At
the same time he gave some advice on how to get ready for the
interview by the means of some
flyers that he had obtained before when helping other students
reaching for help in the same line
of work.
On the day of the appointment, I
arrived ten minutes early carrying
with me all the necessary documentation that I considered could
be helpful. Upon giving my name
to the receptionist, I was assigned
a number corresponding to my turn
to be seen. Soon enough after five
minutes, my number was called by
a woman who then walked me to
an office.
Once inside the office, there was
a very well dressed man sitting
behind a desk. After we introduced ourselves, we proceeded
to the interview. He asked me a
lot of questions which I answered
to the best of my knowledge. For
some reason right there, call it
intuition, I was able to sense racism and prejudice and I realized
then that this person basically just
wanted to hire people from his
own ethnic background. He proceeded to try to end the interview
in a way that he thought I had not
noticed when he was practically
kicking me out.
offered me a pointless schedule to
go by. This brought this interview
to and end and with a “we will
call you later”.
In conclusion, this interview has
been the worst interview that
I have ever had. This company
did not give us the opportunity
to prove ourselves and have a
chance to demonstrate our skills.
I say “did not give us,” because I
noticed that I was not the only one
going through the same ordeal;
people from the same ethnic
group who were called before me
were also rejected by the same
As his strategy to accomplish his
purpose, he offered me a really
low salary and knowing that I was
not able to work nights based on
our conversation before, he also
A collection of student art and writing