Thinking Out Loud
wish people could find out
for themselves what’s the real
meaning of their lives and live it
the way they want to live it. Do
whatever they want to do. Love
whoever they want to love and be
happy. Without label. Without
fears. Without being told what to
believe and what not to believe.
Form their own opinion about
everything they see, they hear, or
read, not because a book says it
is true or not true. It might be true.
It might not be. I wish families
could always be together and
never get separated for meaningless reasons like being illegal
in another country. I believe that
when you are born you become an
earth resident. It doesn’t matter on
which part of the planet you were
born. I think you have the right to
explore around the globe, to look
for a better place to live, to protect your family and feed them. I
think no one has the right to deny
you that right. I wish children
weren’t starving in Africa or any
other country. I wish every kid in
the world is able to go to school.
I wish people could realize how
powerful we are when we work
together for a better future. I desire peace for our world. No war
is worthy or necessary to survive
when we can help each other and
live as one. As one species. The
whole universe works in our favor
when we do things for others with
love. It’s time to wake up people.
It’s time to understand that we are
not in the universe. The universe is
within us all. I wish every one who
could read these words could get
the message. Of course I wish I
could see my mother again and
hug her and never get separated.
A collection of student art and writing