Wayne’s Job
Lidian Lu and
Jeffren Flores
Wayne is a maintenance
worker. He cleans up the
building and takes care
of the building. He has an
easy schedule from 10:00
to 6:00 pm. His house is
half an hour away from
the job. Sometimes he
likes his co-workers and
his boss. His salary is good
and his job benefits are
excellent. Sometimes he
likes his job because the
job is tough and sometimes it is alright.
Alice-Ann’s Job
Dina Martinez
and Francisco Suarez
Alice-Ann is an assistant
principal. She helps the
teachers and students.
She checks the students
who are absent. She has
an easy schedule. She
works Monday to Friday
from 8:00 to 4:00. She
loves the students and her
co-workers. Her benefits
are insurance and sick
leave. She loves her job.
A collection of student art and writing