Literary Arts Magazine Spring 2013 Vol. 14 Carlos Rosario IPCS Magazine-digital-updated 6.15.23 | Page 52


I resist the service of some restaurants in DC , in some cases I have felt that servers serve the white race more quickly and kindly than those who are Black or Latino . At the moment of asking for the bill , some servers put the " gratuity not included " frequently in the Latino and Black tables , thinking they aren ' t going to give them full tips . The actions that I would take is that if I see different treatment at the tables around me in a restaurant , I ' ll call the manager and explain the situation and also post comments on the Restaurant page so that other people who go are attentive to some type of similar discrimination . On the other hand about the " gratuity not included ," I should figure out an opportunity to talk with politicians to propose a measure so that the Government can regulate and control this type of measure in restaurants . Finally , I would like to end this essay hoping that this wound will heal and that one day it will disappear in the hearts of my brothers of the black race and all races that were discriminated against at the time , let us stop living separated as racial groups ( racial Black , Asian , Latino , etc .). It ' s important that we as change agents cut the chain of hatred , resentment , and memories of repression . Let ' s renew hearts and
work for a future of love and acceptance for future generations ."