Literary Arts Magazine Spring 2013 Vol. 14 Carlos Rosario IPCS Magazine-digital-updated 6.15.23 | Page 3


Current and Past Students ,
Welcome to our 14th edition of the Carlos Rosario School Literary Arts Magazine . This magazine is created , designed and authored by students . It is an opportunity to share the dreams , hope , aches , and lessons for our community of immigrant learners to inspire and motivate each other to live up to and into our best selves .
While this is the 14th volume of In Our Own Words , it would have been the 17th volume if its creation were not interrupted by the COVID 19 pandemic . The past 3 years have brought many shifts for our school and our community of students and staff . Despite the many challenges we have faced , we remain committed to our students and our mission in order to provide high quality education for all . During these 3 years , our school has evolved to meet the exciting needs of our students in a new hybrid learning environment .
Education at Carlos Rosario School has changed so much since March 2020 . We made continual changes and improvements to support student social needs and scheduling flexibility while preparing our students for the evolving needs of a new virtual world of work . Our hybrid schedule was designed with input from our students and teachers . The digital literacy skills that are woven into the learning in every classroom are designed to make sure students are building the skills necessary to support children , attend college , and seek high paying jobs .
We continue to infuse arts education into all classes as a way to help you strengthen your language skills , critical thinking skills , and as an opportunity to apply new knowledge in unexpected ways . We do this through different activities , like the Weaving Project or our School Song Project and our heritage events . The literary arts magazine is part of this commitment to arts integration and serves as a model for the fusion of these important skill sets in adult immigrant education .
HollyAnn Freso-Moore , Ed . D Chief Academic Officer ( CAO )