Literary Arts Magazine Spring 2013 Vol. 14 Carlos Rosario IPCS Magazine-digital-updated 6.15.23 | Page 18

Computer Basics

Computers are the most widely used electronics devices across the globe . Our cars , TV , smart phones , tablets , cameras , airplanes , medical examining machines and almost all sorts of 21st century instruments have built-in computers . When we talk about laptop or desktop computers it is essential to learn computer skills . Nowadays we are going to be a paperless society , so not learning computers is not an option . Computer skills make our work easier , efficient , fast and professional . Learning computer skills such as Windows , Word , Excel , Powerpoint with the necessary commands , groups , tabs , will keep our communication standard understandable to all users . Anyone who has good skills with a computer has a good future and is able to pass on or use the information that is available on the Internet . Skills are joys , treasures , that can help us to understand the world around us . Skills pay better salaries , and they are the way to a better life .