Le ve l 1
My Mystery Food
It is white, orange, yellow, and black.
It is rough, big and smooth.
It is in salad, in rice, baked, in soup, also in barbecue.
It is bland, and can be spicy and fried.
It is smelly and delicious.
It has bones.
What it is?
Teacher: Holly Ann Freso-Moore,
It is a chicken.
Diana Loughridge
My Mystery Food
It is white and round.
It is moist, a little salty and creamy.
It is triangular and smooth.
It is in the salads and hamburgers.
You can put it on burgers or eat it alone.
You can freeze it, too.
What is it?
It is cheese.
Dinora Juarez
Teacher: Holly Ann Freso-Moore, PM
My Mystery Food
It is yellow and white.
It is long and bland.
It is bland and sweet.
It is hard and crunchy.
It is boiled in water and broiled with sour cream.
It is hairy and has leaves.
What is it?
It is corn.
Doris Rodriguez
Teacher: Holly Ann Freso-Moore, PM