Get 5 New Dentists as Coaching Clients in the Next 21 Days ". Now ... What we ' re offering starts to take on the vibe of an exact system instead of " pie in the sky " theory that can add an unspecified value . If someone opts into this now , they know exactly what they ' re going to learn . Even better ... you have a better idea of who you ' re talking to and what they are trying to do ( this plays big into you eventually selling them something .)
• Be Specific and Polarizing in Your Ad .
If you ' re anything like me , you consider yourself to be a nice human being and it upsets you when you make someone uncomfortable ( even if they ' re wrong ). Get over it . There are a million nice people out there who fade into obscurity . If you want to get people to opt into your email list and become a part of your tribe , you have to put people on edge ( at least at first ).
For Instance ... The Ad that Leads to your opt-in page could say ... " Face it .. You ' re Terrible at Getting Dentists as Coaching Clients ... and I ' m Not .” I bet a few of you cringed when you read that ( I did !) because it doesn ' t fit your personality . The cool thing about a headline like that is that it ' s going to get a ton of clicks and , once they make it to the optin page , it will get a ton of opt-ins .
And don ' t worry ... you can redeem yourself and let them know you aren ' t awful after they opt-in with a simple video or welcome email .
If you use those 3 tips from above I can guarantee that you ' ll start getting more people to opt into your list .
When I did those things with my email , list building took on an entirely different life . And with that I started making a lot more income with email marketing ... Right ?
Not So Fast Just because I was getting more opt-ins with this system didn ' t mean my income went up right away .
That made it so that my email list started growing very rapidly . As cool as it was to have a decent sized list , it certainly didn ' t equate to me making money at first .
So ... What Was I doing Wrong when mailing my email list ?
See if This Sounds Familiar : - I ' d Pick out something I wanted to promote . - I ' d open up my autoresponder .
- I ' d write an email talking about the features and benefits of the product and how it would help the person reading my email ( keep in mind that this was a targeted list ).
- I ' d Hit the Send Button ...