lip glossip issue 11 | Page 4

I took inspira on from Cath Kiston’s beau ful rose fabric as I just bought a tea set in rley in this print. I loved this nail art design so much that I thought I would show you guys how to do it to. Step 1: paint your nail in a sky blue base colour and leave to dry Step 2: Using the end of a bobby pin, dot a white nail polish on your nail to make li le polka dots on all but one of your nails on each Step 3: On your empty nail, smudge on 3 li le splodges in a dark pink. Step 4: While the nail polish is s ll wet, splodge on a lighter pink on the inside of each Step 5: Then, you can either use a tooth pick, or fine nail art tool, to apply a small amount of the darker pink inside the small light pink splodge. Step 6: Once this has dried, draw on a few li le green leaves. Step 7: Once you're all done with your pa ern, apply a clear top coat!