LIP CHEMISTRY 208 LIP Chemistry CIDEB 208 | Page 7

Continued emission of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere will affect climate and ocean chemistry, subsequently influencing both marine and terrestrial ecosystem. The warming effects of increasing Co2 and other greenhouse gases impinge on agriculture, natural system, and host of environmental variables. Increasing Co2 in the atmosphere also directly translates to increasing acidity of the oceans. Carbon dioxide dissolves in water to form carbonic acid, which is corrosive to shells, and skeletal material of many marine organisms. Subsequent impacts one ecosystem are largely not understood.

How has increased the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere

Chemical reactions involved in the global warming and their classification

There are many chemical reactions involved in climate change. The first is photosynthesis, which takes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and converts it into oxygen. The burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, however, pumps increasing amounts of carbon dioxide and other compounds back into the air. This, in turn, both depletes ozone and directs more energy back toward Earth's surface, warming the planet.

The Greenhouse Effect

The sun's energy powers life-creating cycles such as photosynthesis, which emits oxygen into our water and air.

Fossil Fuels

The chemical reaction involved in burning fossil fuels looks like this: 6 O2 + C6H12O6 ------> 6 H2O + 6 CO2.

Strategies to solve the problem of global warming.

1.Taking political action: informed about global warming, challenge others about it and influence your government.

2.Changing your consumption habits: Choose vegetarian or vegan meals, Reuse and recycle more, use refill, reduce your use of paper products and keep track of your carbon consumption.

3.Reducing your energy use: use compact fluorescent or LED bulbs, support producers of renewable energy, insulate your home for a different temperature, replace old appliances and reduce reliance on them and unplug unused electronics.

4.Greener transportations method: public transportation, ride a bicycle and use your vehicle as a tool against global warming.

Now days we have to take conscience about our world, because we don’t know if next generations would take advantage of this. There are many activities that we do every day that consist in damaging earth and we don’t still know. There are several activities that cause climate change, acid rain, etc., Global warming Is a big problem in our surrounding. There are 4 ways to avoid this: