LIP CHEMISTRY 208 LIP Chemistry CIDEB 208 | Page 13

Oil Refinery Process

The process of oil refinery is easy to understand. First at all we should start by explaining that oil is sell by barrels because of the distribution in it. A barrel of oil is useful for different things according to the necessities, in other words, one complete barrel is not only used for gasoline since it is not possible. The oil refinery process start with crude oil extracted from the barrel. The crude oil, as we can see in the image, is placed in a container that has the function of a boiler. Fractional distillation takes place when vapors oil is passes through the ducts and gests in to the second step of our process. Oil is heated to big temperatures and it passes through a tube in to the distillation column. In the distillation column, oil is "classified" and separated according to its boiling point. According to each boiling point, the usage of the oil.

As we can see in the image, some of the main products taken from crude oil are: gas, naphthalene, gasoline, kerosene, diesel, heavy oil etc. According to some studies, the barrel of crude oil, as we already mention, has a lot of functions and is used for many different things, not only for gasoline. Talking about percentage, a barrel of crude oil is used only 19% for gasoline this means that the other 81% is distributed among jet fuels, diesel fuels, some distillated fuels and gases. This happens because of the composition of oil, its boiling point changes because of its internal composition and according to the boiling point, it is separated and finally processed.

During this final stage, we were taking mainly about organic chemistry. Organic chemistry is the branch that studies hydrocarbons. One of the main importance of hydrocarbons is that almost everything is made of carbons. When talking about energy sources, hydrocarbons are the main components of all. Talking about benefits, hydrocarbons as fuel are cheap when compared to other types of fuel like coal that is composed mainly by only carbons. The power of hydrocarbons is exactly the same or even more as regular fuels or fossil fuels. But as everything in life, we can also find some disadvantages or risks. Some of the main risks is that when burning hydrocarbons, we are contributing to the green house effect problem. Since hydrocarbons produce CO2 in the combustion reaction. This means that if we add a hydrocarbon like methyl to oxygen our product will always be CO2, that affects our ozone layer in our world. Final conclusion is that hydrocarbons are important, they help us a lot and we can find them anywhere were we are standing. Hydrocarbons have a lot of benefits when talking about fuels and as everything good, it also have disadvantages that in big amounts will affect in a very severe way our population of our world..