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cHEMISTRY: Science that studies matter

Luis Baldwin

Phylosopher, Artist, Mathematician, Poet, Writer, Astronomer, Physist, Chemist, Alchemist, Biologist, Astrologist, Agronomist, Doctor, Professor Luis Baldwin was born in December 28, in México. He is popular for writing the book "lets marry", "where are my pants?" "the goofy style of chemistry".

With love, evolution.

We all have been gifted with capability of reasoning, to have consiousness, to arise from the mud, soil, corn, clay, to the top of the chain food, to the top of the Earth's atmoshpere. We were created, at first, by asexual bacteria, and, within 2 billion Earth's years, the first sexual bacteria appeared. we were gifted the ability of reasoning, gifted by the spirit of the universe, the Big Bang, lets use it...