I ordered Screen Kids (by Gary Chapman and Arlene Pellicane) as a mom of a kindergarten student. We have tried to be careful with screentime in our home, but it doesn’t always go the way we plan! In fact, most of motherhood doesn’t go the way I plan! I was intrigued by the subtitle of the book: 5 Relational Skills Every Child Needs in a Tech-Driven World. I wanted to explore how I can encourage and support my daughter as she navigates social situations in 2024 and beyond.
I appreciated the way the book was written. The authors share first-hand experiences along with research and data. The eye-opening concerns and warnings were coupled with ideas for implementing change, one small step at a time. I never felt the typical "all or nothing" approach or guilt-filled pressure that is often connected to this topic.
As I read the book, I realized how applicable the research and concepts are for the school classroom. Keith and I began discussing this book together and making small changes in our home. We also began talking about how the concepts apply to the classroom setting. In the last chapter, the authors mentioned another book, Screen Schooled, by Joe Clement and Matt Miles. We ordered that book right away and dove in!
Screen Schooled, while also written with parents as the primary audience, was full of applications to the classroom. Once again the authors combined research, data, and first-hand experiences seamlessly. We knew this was a book that would challenge and encourage other teachers as well.
Beginning this month (September), a group of 11 faculty members will be reading and discussing Screen Schooled. We look forward to evaluating our classroom use of technology through the lens of our biblical worldview and developmental philosophy. We can’t wait to see how God will use these discussions to help us refine and improve the educational experience that we provide here at Cornerstone.
Would I recommend either of these books to parents? Absolutely! I think Screen Kids is probably a good place to start. It is a faster read and has more applications outside the classroom. However, Screen Schooled, is also full of great information that will apply to parents of children of all ages! — Mrs. Joy Press
Cornerstone faculty members are committed to lifelong learning --and not just for certification purposes!
This summer Mrs. Joy Press, Secondary Level Principal, and Mr. Keith Press, High School Science Teacher & IT Director, both read two books focused on our use of technology.
Read what Mrs. Press has to say about these books and how our teachers are planning to continue the learning with a book study!