Lion's Roar September 2024 | Page 7




We have officially launched Friendzy for this school year! Our first unit is “We Need Each Other!”

Mrs. Press introduced this unit in both our middle school and elementary chapels this week. This introductory unit aligns perfectly with this year’s schoolwide theme, Together Before the Throne!

God desires for us to love Him, love other people, and to live in godly community. God calls us to live with a “we” mindset, which is contrary to the “me” mindset so prevalent in our world. How can we live in this radically different way? How can we love the way He calls us to love? Christ made a way for us to receive forgiveness and to be made new, welcomed into God’s family--His community.

The lessons we have learned and will learn from Friendzy are just some of the tools that God has given us for living in community. During both chapels, Mrs. Press set out a row of ingredients: an egg, oil, butter, flour, sugar, and vanilla extract. Everyone agreed that each item is useful. Each item holds value. Each item has potential.

However, when these items are combined by a baker, their potential is unlimited! They could be cake, or cookies, or donuts, or bread, or muffins! Just like these ingredients, each of us is valuable, appointed by God with a purpose, equipped with unique skills and talents. When we are together, under the guidance of the greatest “baker” (our Creator), our potential is unlimited!

Like baking soda and vinegar or peanut butter and chocolate, we are truly Better Together!



Catchphrase (Main point for students to catch): “Better Together”

Key Verses (Biblical anchor points):

Ecclesiastes 4:9a (NIV): “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor.”

Proverbs 27:17 (NLT): “As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.”

Continue the Friendzy Conversation at Home

  • “We” vs “Me” mindset. God has designed us to be an interdependent team. We can accomplish more together than any of us can on our own. Remember, we were created for interdependent relationships with God and others. Adopt a “we” vs “me” mindset!

  • We are not meant to be alone. Friendships can be challenging. At times you might be tempted to believe that life is easier to figure out on your own. But that is not the truth - we are better together! You need other people, and other people need you.

  • Our classroom is a team. Proverbs 27:17 (NLT) tells us, “As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.” We need each other. With all of our differences we help sharpen each other to be the best version of who God designed us to be. As a class we are better together.


    Over the next few weeks, the goal is for every student to begin using the unit’s catchphrase “Better Together” in their everyday life. You can help them by beginning to use this in your conversations at home. This is the main point that students will catch onto and remember and use over and over.