Lion's Roar September 2023 | Page 2

The start of every school year is an exciting one for most folks. It feels like you're working with a clean slate, a fresh canvas--or, as a quilter, a neatly folded stack of bright new fabrics. That exciting feeling, however, is often mixed with at least a little bit of trepidation, too. What if things don't go quite the way we are hoping they will?

The truth is, "things" will likely not go as we envision, especially if we place too much stock in our own plans and less in God's plans for us. Yet, if we place our plans and desires before God, we can rest assured that God can be fully trusted to bring us into a new school year, to walk us through it, and to use every part of it for His glory and our good (Romans 8:28). Even better yet, when we work together as members of the body of Christ, we can be completely confident that the love of Christ will be prominent and strengthened in us for His glory (Ephesians 4:16).

Some of the many blessings of a Christian education are being able to work together, learn together, discover together, and dream together. In many ways, that's what this year's theme LEVEL UP is all about. We come together with a common purpose and work intentionally towards a common vision. Cornerstone envisions Christ-followers actively engaged in making an impact on the world for God's Kingdom. It is our mission to engage and educate young people to know and be transformed by Christ through the ways they think, act, learn, serve, and work together for God's Kingdom.

Fulfilling the mission of Christian education requires us all to look forward together. It means we never want to take for granted the incredible blessing of receiving and providing a Christian education. It is exciting to start a new school year together, because we know the future we are all working toward. The road will often include twists and turns that we (fortunately) cannot always see ahead of time, but our confidence is not in our eyesight. Our confidence is in the Lord to do what He has promised to do!

Tonya Snyder Head of School

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from the Desk of the Head of School

Welcome Back to School

We are thrilled to have the halls full of students again!