In the month of September, Cornerstone’s middle school students came together for their annual retreat. This special time endeavors to spark unity and strengthen relationships each year among our young teen demographic. During the two-day event, held on Thursday and Friday, September 19th and 20th, our students became immersed in God’s Word through the teaching and experiences of Jared and Jennifer Millington, who encouraged everyone to find their identity in Christ, and Ruth Hartunian-Alumbaugh, who presented the work of her ministry, International Students, Inc.
Street Church, led by Bryan Bywater and located in Hartford, provided an opportunity for all of us to practice God’s work by hosting our group onsite. Our students aided this ministry by filling food packages and hygiene kits to be given to the local homeless population. To finish off our event, the middle school gathered together at Spare Time in Vernon to knock down some pins, eat delicious pizza, and engage in a friendly game of laser tag. We are already looking forward to Retreat 2025!
Recent Guidance Events:
Grade 11 Trip to the Christian College Fair
PSAT for Grades 10 & 11
Career Chat Guests:
Mechanical Engineering
Small Business Owner
Upcoming Guidance Opportunities:
Quarter 2 Morning Workshop on Career Exploration
Financial Aid Virtual Meeting
Career Chat Guests Coming Soon:
Facilities Engineering
Career Chat Requests
If you or someone you know has experience in one of these fields, our high school students would love to hear from you!
Cyber Security, Engineering (other branches), Baker, Personal Shopper, Interior Designer, Airbnb Host, or your career!