I recently finished a Bible study about Hagar, a little-known woman found in the Book of Genesis (Old Testament). Hagar was an Egyptian slave who became the handmaiden of Sarah, Abraham's wife. Hagar was one of the first people to receive God's blessing through His blessing of Abraham. (See the RightNow Media study called Hagar: Rediscovering the God Who Sees Me by Shadia Hrichi to learn more.) In Genesis 12:2-3, God tells Abraham, "I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."
God blesses Abraham SO THAT He can bless others THROUGH Abraham. God's blessings are never intended for us alone; they are always intended to extend beyond us to further God's Kingdom. I have been personally challenged to consider the ways that I can intentionally bless others through God's rich blessings in my life. This challenge is especially important as we prepare for the holidays ahead. I want to give sincere thanks to God for blessing me...AND I want Him to show me how I can bless others from His blessings on my life.
As a parent, grandparent, and educator for the past 40 years, I can say that spending time with children, teens, and young adults is one of my favorite ways of sharing God's blessings. That time can be spent listening and laughing together, playing a board game, working together on a craft, learning something new together, or just enjoying a meal with one another. Fascinatingly, when I invest my time in the lives of others, the blessing is yet again returned to me and refuels me to bless again and again.
One of the unspoken blessings of celebrating the holidays when the economy feels particularly challenging, is that we can choose to invest more of ourselves and our time as we seek to bless others. It is my hope that you will join me in seeking creative ways to share God's blessings with our families, friends, neighbors, and those we encounter through unexpected and divine appointments! We are blessed!
Tonya Snyder Head of School
from the Desk of the Head of School
December 5, 2024
12/11 Christmas Chapel (8:30 AM) Featuring Preschool & K-Prep
12/11 Christmas Concert (6:30 PM)
12/16 Varsity Basketball Home Games @ 3:30 PM & 5:00 PM
12/17 Elementary Christmas Store
12/20 Early 1:00 Dismissal, NO GLC
12/21-1/1 No School (Christmas Break)
1/10 Varsity Basketball Home Games @ 3:30 PM & 5:00 PM
1/15, 1/16, 1/17 Grades 6-12 Exams (Early 1:00 Dismissals All Grades)