Lion's Roar March 2024 | Page 2

Worldviews are constantly taught to us and our children. They are the systems of beliefs--the whys--that drive our values and decisions. We often aren't even aware of what our own worldviews are until we stop and intentionally self-evaluate. Interestingly, there are a myriad of influences on the formation of our worldviews. Therefore, we must be purposeful in our efforts to understand God's view of the world He created, how our views compare to God's view, and what we want to impart to our children during their most formative years.

What is the purpose of education? God's purpose for education is that we would understand our greatest need for a Savior and become equipped to draw others to Christ. In contrast, the world often tells us that education is for the purpose of maximizing our earning abilities so that we can acquire a "comfortable life." While this may motivate many, it's not God's answer.

What is the purpose of the sciences?

God has gifted humankind with the ability to learn about Him through the study of His creation; the study of science points directly to the Creator! However, the world will try to convince us and our children that science is the mechanism for disproving God's existence. What an ironic twist on the truth!

Why should I be kind to others? God designed each person before any one us was even born. He loves every person with a love so deep that He gave His own life for each one of us. This deep and personal love should inspire us to love others like Jesus loves us. The world doesn't answer this question well. They tell us we should be kind to others because that's the best way for us to behave. It's no wonder our society is so ill; people are left to make up their own answers.

These are just a couple of sample questions that we must ask ourselves on a regular basis. God's answers to life's questions are the place where we must start...the place to which we must point our children if we want them to fulfill God's purpose for each of their lives. Cornerstone envisions "Christ-followers actively engaged in making an impact on the world for God's Kingdom" (CCS Vision Statement).

Tonya Snyder Head of School

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from the Desk of the Head of School





We are so excited to see the completion of the computer lab makeover!

We recently purchased 17 new computers and monitors, thanks to the grant from Cornerstone Educational Support, Inc. (CES) . Our students are thrilled with the increased speed and are already hard at work putting these brand new computers to good use.

Thanks to CES and to our IT Director, Mr. Keith Press, for making this exciting project happen!

Be sure to visit CES on Facebook to give them a “like” and show your appreciation. Visit them online to learn more about their ongoing efforts to raise additional funds in support of Cornerstone!