Lion's Pride Volume 13 (Spring 2020) Volume 13 (Spring 2020) | Page 54

disease. We have got to get over the argument of whether substance use disorder is a disease or not. The argument itself implies blame and questions whether someone with substance use disorder deserves treatment or not. It’s ridiculous, and it is actually harming people. The prejudice feeds the stigma, and stigma is the roadblock to effective, ongoing research and treatment. Stigma of Substance Use Disorder is Our AIDS Crisis As I have mentioned before, the stigma around substance use disorder has prohibited research and reform. Although right now things are starting to change, we still have a long way to go. It is the people that have substance use disorder and have come out the other side of it that are breaking the stigma by providing education, pushing for policy reform, and reaching back to help those who are still in the battle. Addiction does not discriminate. It can happen to anyone. Michael Boticelli (2016) was the director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy during the Obama administration. He has more than twenty years of recovery from substance use, which has made him passionate about the issue. In his TED talk, Boticelli (2016) speaks about the similarities of the stigma between substance use disorder and the HIV/AIDS epidemic of the 1980s. When people started dying of HIV/AIDS, specifically gay men, there was an enormous amount of ignorance and