Lion's Pride Volume 13 (Spring 2020) Volume 13 (Spring 2020) | Page 18

What is wrong with me? I must escape these feelings. I must be like everyone else. What if I was like other people? I fall further. The breaking point. Hospitalization. Fear. Anguish. Remorse. Resources. Education. A budding empowered targeted group member. Knowledge is power. Compiling strategies, I begin to thrive. I’m looking in the mirror and I’m surprised what’s looking back at me. A person just like everyone else. Of the same worth; just a different story. I’m forced to ask, what is true social justice? Social equity. Give me what I need just as you’d give a mentally healthy, “abled” person what they need. What if people were aware of what depression looks like? And didn’t ignore the signs? What if society gained a sense of respect for not only successes, but for reasons people fail too? What if people were open to discussions about boundaries necessary for my mental safety? What if we were all more willing to help than we are to criticize? What if people counteracted assumptions and asked about the experiences? “Why? –why are you avoiding people? –why are you doing drugs?” “What happened?” “How are you feeling?”