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Client Leave Behind Booklet :



An Introduction to Strategies and Plan Development

This Quick Guide is intended to help organizations :
• Understand the definition of Transportation Demand Management ( TDM )
• Determine if and why organizations should be interested in managing travel demand
• Understand the benefits to reducing travel demand
• Explain why changing travel behavior is so challenging and understand the major factors affecting their ability to change behavior
• Introduce a broad range of TDM strategies to develop or enhance their TDM program
• Lay the framework for developing a TDM program
• Provide resources for more detailed research and explanation of TDM-related measures and their outcomes
Transportation Demand Management ( TDM ), sometimes referred to as Travel Demand Management , is a transportation industry standard term referring to a body of actions that seek to “ manage the demand for travel by drive-alone private car , rather than catering for that demand , or managing the road system .” In simple terms , TDM provides people with a variety of mobility options ( other than driving alone ) to reduce vehicle miles traveled ( VMT ) and gain environmental , conservation , and sustainability benefits — generally without large infrastructure investments . Measures are directed at increasing vehicle occupancy , shifting travel mode or time of travel , or reducing the need for travel . Much of the time , the focus is to reduce vehicular demand during peak morning and afternoon commute periods , but TDM measures have benefits that extend to off-peak and special event travel times as well .
TDM actions or measures come in many shapes and forms but are primarily categorized as follows .
Employer or Institutional Support Actions Alternative Work Arrangements
Financial Incentives or Disincentives Local and Regional Infrastructure and Policy
Advances in mobile application technology are occurring rapidly . These technologies have improved information distribution and access to alternative forms of transportation through algorithms that match riders , communicate real-time location of transportation modes , and provide comprehensive travel information . TDM technology is evolving and will continue to enhance and integrate TDM measures into the way we move . Additionally , with the advent of “ Mobility as a Service ,” concepts incorporating commute reduction , mobility data aggregation , private transit , taxi-like services ( Uber / Lyft ), ridesharing , car sharing , bike sharing , and personal rapid transit are also advancing .
TDM methods have traditionally emphasized program information , encouragement , and incentives provided by local or regional organizations and have extended to the private sector ; however , as congestion increases throughout the U . S ., a stronger focus on infrastructure is entering the conversation . This emphasis on infrastructure ( e . g . bike and pedestrian paths , transit enhancements , and even a stronger mix of land use types and densities ) often called TDM +, is gaining momentum as a critical element influencing travel behavior and providing people with realistic alternatives to driving alone .
Traditional TDM
Programs and Subsidies
TDM Measures
Infrastructure Land Use
TDM measures can be implemented and managed by many different types of organizations , from state , regional , and local agencies to universities and independent office buildings . In most places , the local Metropolitan Planning Organization ( MPO ) provides subsidies and support services for local communities through funding from the federal government . However , there are many other groups and organizations that play a role in managing travel demand and therefore have an inherent interest in managing our transportation infrastructure efficiently . Organizations choose to implement TDM measures for various reasons . If your organization deals with any of the following , you may be interested in exploring , developing , or expanding your TDM offerings .
• Parking infrastructure costs ( capital and long-term maintenance )
• Carbon footprint minimization
• Limited parking supply and rising parking costs
• Future expansion needs with limited space
• Traffic congestion
While most organizations can participate in the TDM conversation , those with the greatest ability to coordinate TDM offerings and offer a well-defined program include : Governmental Agencies ( States , MPOs , Cities , and Counties )
Quasi-Public / Private Governmental Agencies Community Improvement Districts ( CIDs ) Business Improvement Districts ( BIDs ) Downtown Development Authorities ( DDAs ) Transportation Management Associations ( TMAs )
Several factors predetermine how much success an organization can experience with shifting the travel behaviors of its employees , students , or other constituents , including :
• Local and regional transit availability
• Presence of restricted parking
• Adjacent land uses on-site or within ¼ mile
◦ Shopping
◦ Restaurants
◦ Banks
◦ Childcare
A site with convenient transit , restricted parking , and a mix of land uses will likely have lower single-occupant-vehicle travel than one without . However , there are a multitude of strategies with various investment requirements that can be deployed to affect travel behaviors . The list of TDM strategies in the following section provides a range of options for creating a program customized for the site ’ s local context .
High-Quality Transit
Restricted Parking
Mix of Land Uses
Colleges and Universities
Healthcare Systems
Business Parks and Corporate Campuses
Special Districts or Areas with Concentrated Employment and Communications ( Sports Districts , Resort Areas , Airports , etc .)
The benefits of reducing dependence on the automobile are extensive , not only to an organization but also for the larger community .
Transportation System Benefits
• Reduced traffic congestion resulting in time savings
• Enhanced overall access , convenience , and mobility equity
Social Benefits
• Improved quality of life in communities with transportation options ( walkable and bikeable )
• Allows for social interactions and community connectedness
• Reduced fragmentation and safety issues caused by wide , high-speed roads
• Enables aging population to retain independence in the community
Environmental Benefits
• Reduced dependence on fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions
• Reduced congestion and energy consumption
• Improved air and water quality ( reduced emissions and fluid leaks )
• Reduced heat dome effect ( reduced need for paved surfaces )
Health and Safety Benefits
• Improved health through active transportation ( biking and walking )
• Improved air quality
• Reduced stress levels
Economic and Financial Benefits
• Reduced car ownership , maintenance , and parking costs
• Reduced need for expensive regional vehicular infrastructure yielding lower return on investment than transit
• Reduced cost of healthcare ( over the long-term )
• Attracts individuals that value a multi-modal environment ( representing much of today ’ s work force )
The following table provides actions aimed at impacting traveler behavior by reducing the number of single-occupant vehicle trips . The table also provides guidance on each strategy ’ s ability to influence behavior ( a factor known as the Employee Vehicle Trip Reduction ( VTR ) Impact ), as well as relative cost .
EMPLOYER / INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT ACTIONS Transportation Coordinator On-site professional provides personalized trip planning and commuter assistance . High Moderate
The TDM Quick Guide was a quick turn-around multipage brochure for an internal client . The goal was to create a leave behind with some “ pizazz ” to wow the external clients at a meeting .
On-Site Services / Amenities
Services and / or amenities are provide on-site or within convenient walking distance ( e . g . childcare , gym facilities , dining / food service , grocery , post office , etc .).
Employer- Assisted Transit Service
Peak Period Shuttles operate during peak commute periods , typically connecting the site with regional transit or off-site parking . Shuttles Typically contracted to a transit / shuttle provider , depending on available resources .
Midday Shuttles operate during midday periods to provide midday transportation for individuals that do not drive . Shuttles Typically contracted to a transit / shuttle provider , depending on available resources .
Car Sharing Company-owned vehicles or car rentals available on-site to facilitate midday travel for individuals that do not drive to work / school . High Moderate
On-Site Mobility Concierge ( Commuter Info Center )
Conveniently located and visible professional ( s ) and / or kiosk ( s ) providing and / or educating on traveler information tools , including intelligent transportation systems , mobile and social applications , wayfinding tools , and other methods for promoting non-SOV modes .
Well-known and recognized outreach program , particularly if TDM strategies and programs are housed under the same institution or as part of a collaborative , heightening awareness and providing opportunities to educate residents and commuters about travel options .
Orientation takes place prior to hiring or starting school to educate employees / students of alternative transportation options and costs . Aimed to influence decision on where to live , how to travel to school / work , and make other travel decisions .
TDM Branding and Marketing
New Hire Orientation
Multi-Modal Navigation Tools
Mobile apps allow users access to wayfinding resources and other multi-modal navigation tools .
Address Security Concerns
Security is improved by investing in strategically located cameras , security guards , and other measures .
Rideshare Matching
Carpool Compatible commuters are connected to enable commute-related ridesharing . Employers / institutions are at an advantage to encourage Moderate Low Vanpool and match commuter carpools and vanpools since the work destination is a commonality .
Low Low Fairs / Promotions Periodic events held in public spaces to highlight TDM offerings . Low Low
Guaranteed Ride Home
Backup rides are offered to employees / students who do not drive alone to work / school . Typically provided through vouchers and / or reimbursement up to a designated number of times per period .
Preferential Parking Designated to rideshare users ( carpool or vanpool ), particularly in areas where parking is limited . Low Low
Bicycle Storage , Lockers , Changing Facilities , and Showers
Conveniently located , covered , and secured facilities . Low Moderate Lobby Amenities Umbrellas , rain jackets , and other items available to facilitate midday walking trips during inclement weather . Low Low
Bicycle Loan Programs
Bicycles are located conveniently on-site allowing employees / students to reduce midday trips via vehicle . Easy access to a bicycle can aid trip making to other on-site locations or nearby commercial / retail opportunities by alternative mode .
September 2016
Alternative Mode Options Site design focuses on visibility and convenience of travel modes by showcasing options in easily accessible and high-volume areas . Low Moderate
Site Design
Visibility Passenger
Increasing in importance due to the popularity of app based on-demand ride share , such as Uber . Low Moderate
Arrangement for employees to work at remote locations one or more days per week rather than commuting to the work site . Technology
Telecommuting plays an important role in telecommuting , since many employees will need to maintain a virtual connection with the worksite in order to High
Low access necessary information and / or people .
Employees are allowed to choose their clock-in / clock-out times . Core hours may be required to maintain a certain amount of the workday for scheduling face-to-face interactions , collaborations , and meetings without conflicting with flexible start and end times .
Flexible Work Hours Moderate Low
Good for large facilities where work schedules are regular , causing long arrival and departure lines . Individual groups may be assigned to Staggered Work Hours
Moderate Low fixed arrival / departure , typically over a one- to three-hour period . Employees are allowed to work fewer days per week or over a two-week period by increasing the number of hours worked per day .
Compressed Work Week Common schedules : 9 / 80 ( employees work 9 hours per day for a two-week period and get the 10 th day off )
Moderate Low
10 / 80 ( employees work 10 hours per day for one-week and get the 5 th day off )