Lincoln Trail | Page 3

The Berkshires


1 Chesterwood

4 Williamsville Rd . chesterwood . org The historic summer home , studio , and gardens of Daniel Chester French ( 1850-1931 ) is celebrating the centennial of the dedication of the Lincoln Memorial with many special events . On permanent view in the Chesterwood Studio is French ’ s final six-foot model of the seated Abraham Lincoln for the Lincoln Memorial , and a full-size bronze replica of the standing Lincoln for the Nebraska State Capitol is located on the grounds . A special “ Discover Lincoln at Chesterwood ” brochure will guide visitors to other works around the site , including preliminary models and maquettes , bronze sculptures , and Lincoln-related objects used as reference by the sculptor .


Stockbridge Library Archives & Museum 46 Main St . stockbridgelibrary . org A three-foot-tall bronze reproduction of Daniel Chester French ’ s standing Abraham Lincoln for the Nebraska State Capitol is on view on the first floor . This reproduction was purchased and donated to the library by the alumni of Williams High School . The Stockbridge Library Museum & Archives also has a smaller bronze of the seated Abraham Lincoln dated 1922 , and a 1919 bronze casting of French ’ s right hand that was reported to have been a study for Lincoln ’ s right hand for the seated Lincoln .

2 Norman Rockwell Museum

9 Glendale Rd . nrm . org Created in collaboration with Chesterwood to honor the Lincoln Memorial ’ s Centennial , The Lincoln Memorial Illustrated highlights the work of illustrators and artists who have incorporated the Lincoln Memorial into their art as a symbolic element . Historical and contemporary artworks by noted illustrators and cartoonists are featured , as well as archival photographs , artifacts , ephemera , and sculptural elements on loan from Chesterwood . The exhibition runs May 7 – September 4 .
Red Lion Inn 30 Main St .

3 redlioninn . com

The Lincoln Table from New York ’ s Union League Club can be found in the inn ’ s lobby . Many famous people dined at this table , including Lincoln , Charles Dickens , and William Makepeace Thackeray . On view in the Hitchcock Room on the second floor of the inn is an engraving of Lincoln by Henry Gugler , most likely after a portrait by John Harrison Littlefield .
Norman Rockwell ( 1894 – 1978 ), Lincoln for the Defense , 1961 . Story illustration for “ Mr . Lincoln for the Defense ” by Elisa Bialk , The Saturday Evening Post , February 10 , 1962 . Norman Rockwell Museum Collection . © SEPS : Curtis Licensing , Indianapolis , IN . All rights reserved .
May / June 2022 BERKSHIRE MAGAZINE // 51