Executive Summary
DTSC has prepared a socially conscious development proposal that effectively addresses the needs of the Lincoln Heights community. The proposal takes a site that has been vacant for more than 20 years, and develops it into a viable and feasible project that is positive for the community. The project includes a new mix of retail, easily accessible medical services, and affordable housing opportunities for veterans and their families.
The proposed housing development includes amenities for the residents currently not found in local rental developments.
With its strategic location and close proximity to public transit, DTSC Development Company takes pride in the opportunity to provide veteran housing. With a lack of affordable housing opportunities in the community, the proposed housing development should be well-received, as the project does not simply bring new residents to the neighborhood, but instead focuses on “taking care of its own.” This proposal will provide site plan layouts, financial analysis, and showcase the project’s long-term sustainable design.
DTSC proudly presents Lincoln Terrace: A Mixed-Use, Veteran-Specific residential development and service provision with a community driven social hub.
In response to the Emergency Crisis, Council Members have created proposals that depend upon the execution of developers. Mayor Garcetti executed Executive Directive No. 13 after creating a Mayor’s Affordable Housing Cabinet to catalyze the sustainable city pLAn of 100,000 new building units by 2021. Los Angeles City Councilmember, Cedillo, for District 1 neighborhoods including Lincoln Heights, motioned the House LA Initiative to abate the Housing Crisis with a production goal of 5,823 affordable housing units per year.
Our partners are fully pledged to address the concerns voiced by City Councilmembers for the better good of the City of Los Angeles through a partnership with HUD-VASH. Market Risks will be insignificant and Market Rates will exceed the neighborhood’s median. Thus, spurring the growth of Lincoln Height’s economic market without displacing its residents. As a direct result, DTSC is also in full alliance with addressing unmet retail market needs for today’s and tomorrow’s demographic population.