Limousin365 October 2022 | Page 8


by Kiley McKinna

Time Measured At The Speed Of Light .

It ’ s been said that while the days can be long , the years are short . In today ’ s fast paced , information at your fingertips , hectic world we live in , that statement has never been more true . It doesn ’ t seem all that long ago , I was tying me first tie and heading to my first Limousin sale . Now , some 17 years later , much water has passed under the bridge , yet many aspects of our business have not changed much .

Opportunity abounds to carve your own unique path .
The registered cattle business has always been and probably always will be a place where inventive and creative cattlemen thrive . Pick up any sale catalog or log in to any online sale ( of any breed ) and you will see a wide variety of genetics being offered . Some place extra emphasis on calving-ease , some on growth , while others are outliers based on maternal or carcass characteristics . Regardless , the bottom line is , there are buyers for just about each and every type of beef animal we produce . That is assuming you cover the basic bases necessary for profitable beef cattle production .
As Rooster said in Top Gun : Maverick “ It ’ s not the plane , it ’ s the pilot ”. Once you create those genetics , it ’ s up to you to get those cattle in front of the buying public . The best critter in the world is of little value if you are the only one who knows it exists .
Faces Changes .
Sadly , some of the best “ pilots ” this breed has ever seen are no longer at the contols . We have lost some of the breed ’ s most influential men recently . This entire issue could be filled with the achievements of these four , but suffice is to say the breed would not be on the solid footing it is today without the efforts of Jimmy Linthicum , Ken Holloway , Herman Symens and Keith Kissee . Rest in peace men , knowing we will do our level best to continue breeding , promoting and growing this breed based upon the lessons you taught us .
Don ’ t take a knife to a gunfight .
When it comes to promotion and marketing , the four men mentioned above were keenly aware of using the right tool for the job . Previously , print media and word of mouth were the only ways to spread the word . Now , we have the web , Facebook , Instagram , cell phone videos , etc ., etc . Each tool has value and , when used in context , has the ability to put your program in front of many prospective buyers .
6 • OCTOBER 2022
It is an investment , not an expense .
There is an old adage that goes something like this ... don ’ t make your first ad the one for your dispersal . While fairly self explanatory , I would be remiss if I didn ’ t expand a bit . There is no denying that production expenses are at levels beyond most of our comfort levels . That said , when trimming expenses , I caution you in cutting your marketing budget too deeply . In times like these , maximizing the value of every animal born on the ranch is more important than ever .
The same can be said for the affiliate organizations that help a breed tick . Whether it be making sure you register and transfer all of your animals with NALF , or supporting the next generation of Limousin cattlemen through NALJA , now is not the time to pull up short . They need our support through thick and thin . They are here to serve you . We should find ways to make sure they have the resources to do so .
Extend a warm welcome .
It is my pleasure to announce that Sarah Anne Johnson has been added to the Limousin365 team , following the departure of Northern Sales Representative Will Bollum . Many of you know Sarah through her storied involvement as a NALJA member . She will be handling the northern territory from a print and digital media standpoint , and I encourage you to introduce yourself to Sarah . Her job is to help you succeed and the better she knows you and your program , the more likely she will be able to steer your marketing and promotional efforts in the correct direction .
The wheels keep turning .
The fall sale season is cranking up , and despite the industry challenges we face , it is shaping up to be a good one . As time allows , I encourage you to attend to as many sales and industry events as possible . The people you meet and the relationships you forge will pay dividends in the long run . That is a proven fact .
In closing , time is a precious commodity , and while it may be moving at the speed of light , that doesn ’ t mean we shouldn ’ t take time to smell the roses and appreciate all we have accomplished as a breed . There is plenty of work left to be done , but often times , a reflection on the past leads to a clearer vision of the path for the future .