Limousin365 October 2022 | Page 44


2022-2023 NALF Board Candidates

George Hubbard is from Miami , Oklahoma . He currently manages Stonehill Land and Cattle , a 500 head cow-calf and 1,000 head stocker operation in Miami . They use Lim-Flex and Angus bulls on their Angus-based cows and raise their own replacement females . They background their weaned calves and then market them through different avenues . He and his family also own a small herd of Limousin cattle and a background stocker operation .
George graduated from Oklahoma State University in 1992 and was a member of the 1991 National Champion Livestock Judging Team . George served as the director of junior activities for the North American Limousin Foundation for seven years . He was then hired by Magness Land and Cattle of Colorado where he ran their fall calving cowherd in Miami for 18 years .
He is a past president of the Oklahoma Limousin Breeders Association ( OLBA ) and currently serves on the OLBA Board of Directors . He and his family are past recipients of the OLBA Family of the Year and Stonehill Land and Cattle was a past recipient of the OLBA Commercial Producer of the Year .
George and his wife , Suzanne , have three children , Grant , Shelby and Carter . All three have competitively shown cattle and have been active with the North American Limousin Junior Association .
Mark and his sons operate Buck Ridge Cattle Co . together as a family partnership in southern Missouri on more than 2,000 acres of fescue dominant pasture and hay ground . The Buck Ridge headquarters are in Wright County . Mark and his wife , Marta , have three grown children : Whitney ( Nathan ), Nick , and Logan ( Jenna ). The Haden family has continued to grow over the years , now with six grandchildren : Matthew , Bailey , Harper , Lincoln , Levi and Lukas .
The Buck Ridge Cattle Co . operation started with humble beginnings and has been in a constant state of growth over the last 20 years . Initially , Mark bought nine cows to give his sons some chores and responsibilities . Those nine commercial cows have turned into a life ’ s passion to produce high-quality cattle that go on to serve their customers well .
They currently breed more than 300 females annually , using both artificial insemination and embryo transplant . Sires are individually selected for each female to give them the best calf crop possible every year . The Haden ’ s breeding philosophies have continued to evolve over the years , but they have always stayed disciplined in their approach and expectation that each cow must earn the right to stay in the Buck Ridge Cattle Co . herd by breeding back on time , raising a quality calf and being problem free .
Mark ’ s passion for the Limousin and Lim-Flex breed has never diminished . “ God has blessed my family and I with the land , cattle and passion that make up Buck Ridge and we are very excited about future possibilities ,” states Mark .
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42 • OCTOBER 2022