Dale and Terri McLellan of Lantry , SD , have been raising Limousin cross commercial feeder calves on their family ranch since 1979 .
DECEMBER 27 , 2022
hosted on :
OFFERING 15 LOTS 12 Heifers . 3 Bulls .
Expect the same kind of quality as these previous sale highlights .
CYWD Jack Frost 38J
CYWD Highlight 23H
CYWD Jazzy 9J
CYWD Heartthrob 1H
KILEY McKINNA • 402-350-3447 WILEY FANTA • 320-287-0751 mcmarketingsales @ aol . com www . mcmarketingmanagement . com
Your call or visit to view the offering is always welcome .
continued from page 38
2013 , an early October snowstorm killed over one-third of their cow herd , but they have persevered and remained loyal to their ranching responsibilities . The McLellans have maintained a well-respected reputation among South Dakota producers .
The McLellans believe the Limousin breed is a perfect cross for raising feeder calves to market to the beef industry . They have been very successful raising sound calves that possess the genetics for a highquality product that has been a popular choice for industry buyers to feed out and sell to the packer .
Dale likes the hybrid vigor that Limousin-crossed calves possess . When purchasing bulls , their selection criteria includes light birth weights , feed efficiency and strong performance . They use a ratio of one bull to 25 cows on average , and they utilize 40-45 bulls for breeding each year .
For the past several years , they have sold their calves to Wulf Cattle of Morris , Minnesota . The McLellan ’ s also purchase several bulls each year from the Wulf Cattle operation . In addition , they have also purchased bulls from South Dakota breeders Schott Limousin , Peterson ’ s L7 Bar Limousin and Ludens Family Limousin , as well as Venner Limousin in Iowa , Leishman Limousin and Hunt Limousin in Nebraska , Duff Limousin in Minnesota and Spring Creeks Cattle Co . in Wisconsin .
Today , the McLellan operation includes Dale and his wife , Terri , their son , Kerry , and grandson , Klate . In 2014 , Dale was awarded with the Commercial Producer of the Year award by the South Dakota Limousin Association as well as the Heartland Limousin Association . Dale has served as a director on the South Dakota Limousin Association Board of Directors , retiring this year . The McLellan family is very active in their community and church . They maintain strong ties to the West Central South Dakota way of life .
RODGER , PATTY & CASSIDY WOODARD 33004 U . S . Hwy . 24 • Calhan , Colorado 80808 Rodger : ( 719 ) 439-2011 • Patty : ( 719 ) 439-2010 www . woodardlimousin . com
The McLellans believe the Limousin breed is a perfect cross for raising quality feeder calves to market to the beef industry . Dale especially likes the hybrid vigor that Limousin-crossed calves possess .
40 • OCTOBER 2022