by Randy Ratliff
Feeling very nostalgic … when you realize how humbling it is that you are one of the many that are the vehicle for which people see and love their country and love their breed of cattle .
Listed below are a few thoughts I have in regards to where we are in our “ Limousin ” space .
Sacrifices that were made …
Those before us have sacrificed so much to make it just a little easier for the next person . So many have paved the way for all of us ! It seems in anything we are involved in , there are always people who have dug the trenches and worked tirelessly to make a smooth path for the next generation . I feel for certain , as we go through life , we sometimes don ’ t pay enough attention to what it took for us to enjoy the present moments we have . I urge us all to stop and enjoy what is before us , as it can be taken away instantly .
Commitment to the breed remains the same …
Just like the many cattle people before us who helped us secure the Limousin breed as one of the top breed ’ s in the country , there had to have been a major commitment , tenacity and determination to get us to that level many years ago . I think we sometimes take for granted or very seldom think about how our forefathers got us to where we are in the industry space now . I urge us all to stop and enjoy what is before us , as it can be taken away instantly .
Rise above the fray …
The phrase of “ keep your head down , work hard and be humble ” can never ring loud enough in my eyes . In any business or hobby you submerge yourself into , there will always be drama . Rising above the fray seems to be the best scenario in most cases . Of course , we always need to protect our beliefs and standards , but from a “ breed ” point of view , anything and everything should be about what is best for the Limousin breed ! We can get to an unbelievable place if we work as a team , but going at it solo with only your best interest in mind will get you to a very lonely place with not many standing with you . I urge us all to stop and enjoy what is before us , as it can be taken away instantly .
Up to us …
You can make money or inherit money , but it is up to you to earn the respect and to commit yourself to something bigger and better than ourselves . Breeds of cattle are made up of all different kinds of people and for that we are grateful . What is lovely about the business is when those who can serve and give time and resources back . Do so in a very strong fashion and for that we are grateful for what we have been given and earned along the way . I urge us all to stop and enjoy what is before us , as it can be taken away instantly .
Let ’ s be the best we can be and surround ourselves with only the most caring and supportive people we can find to make our “ Limousin breed ” and the world a better place .
Sincerely , Randall O . Ratliff Ratliff & Co .
26 • OCTOBER 2022