Riding Shotgun
Paradigm Shift
As we travel the highways and by-ways of the Limousin family and breed , we often cuss and discuss the cattle business , sports , politics , great cheeseburgers and most of the time , the promotion and marketing of Limousin cattle .
Through “ Riding Shotgun ” we invite you to join us in the righthand seat , so that we can let you in on what we find to be our marketing pet peeves , shortcuts and some of the favorite habits of top-flight professional producers . Grab a cup of coffee and take the ‘ shotgun seat ’— we are pleased to have you riding along .
Webster defines a “ paradigm shift ” as a fundamental change in approach or underlying assumptions . I think it is time we consider a paradigm shift in marketing and promotion of purebred seedstock . When I started this journey we took pictures with film , sent ads by FedEx and mailed catalogs to everyone with an address . Those days are thankfully long gone . Now the mail costs 10 times more , is ten times slower and the mailbox if full of junk that most people recycle before reading .
As you can see from the calendars of the breed ’ s top sales managers and top programs , the new way to reach the most people and to maximize your exposure and minimize your expense , is online in some form or another . Whether it is an eblast , digital advertising , or online sale , you have a way to reach people that you never had before . Using old methods and ignoring new tools available to you will leave you behind in the marketing arms race and cost you more at the same time .
You still must recognize the core principles of marketing , but it ’ s time to
consider a paradigm shift regarding your sale system . Some of what we talk about in the following points may already be in your program , if so , great , if not , maybe you need to think about the future and how your operation can adapt . These are only the opinions of the writer , and don ’ t forget he ’ s a gray haired , potbellied old guy .
1 . Build a picture / video pen . The proper pen and system for shooting great pictures and videos is the basis for new marketing . Consult with your photographer and videographer , think about the sun angles and the pen size . Build a pen you can easily get livestock into and out of . This will be the center of your marketing activities as time goes on .
2 . Find a videographer and or photographer you can interact with . Learn about their past work and schedules . If you want to learn how to do this yourself , fine , but KNOW , this is a skill and like all skills , it takes practice and patience . It takes the proper tools and proper timing . I heartily recommend hiring a professional , the benefits far outweigh the costs . Find someone you like and stay connected , get on their schedule and be ready on the day they arrive .
3 . Sale day is now PICTURE DAY . In the past , you schedule your feeding program and clipping program for the cattle to be ready on sale day . Today , the schedule is moved forward . SALE DAY is picture and video day . You will be presenting your product to the public based on what they look like on that day . Have them ready for condition , disposition and fit , because what the client observes in your videos is what draws them to bid on your product .
4 . Have cattle tattooed , lot numbered and tagged on video day . You will have customers passing through in the days before sale day and having the cattle tagged and identified will make it
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22 • OCTOBER 2022