Limousin365 October 2021 Issue | Page 64

continued from page 60

JOIN TODAY $ 500 Membership Entitles Member to 20 Units of Semen of the After 5 Grand Champion Bull

Membership Deadline : December 1 , 2021
• Bulls born September 1 , 2019 through July 31 , 2021
• Open to all bulls exhibited at Cattlemen ’ s Congress – Open Show . ( Yard exhibitors may enter all of their yard bulls in the Hill show .)
• Bulls must be entered with the understanding if they win the After 5 Club purse of $ 10,000 or more , they must provide 500 or more units of semen ( 20 units per After 5 member ) by November 1 , 2022 or declare otherwise at check-in time .
• Winning bull must have BW , WW , YW ( if applicable ) recorded with NALF and meet all requirements to be an AI-verified sire to receive the prize money .
• Exhibitors must be a member of the After 5 Club to receive the full amount — non-members receive 50 % of the premium purse .
• After 5 Club members or their authorized representative ( managers or managing partner – no proxies ) will receive a ballot at the show .
• In the event of a tie vote , the open show judge ’ s decision shall break the tie . Ballots will be posted after the show .
• Any exhibitor who does not wish to participate must inform show management at check-in time .
Name :
Address :
Find enclosed my check in the amount of $ 500 . Make check payable to : After 5 Club
DIRECT INQUIRIES TO : KEN HOLLOWAY • 580 / 597-2419 • 580 / 581-7652 mobile Office : 580 / 597-3006 • Fax : 580 / 597-6619 • acs @ americancattleservices . com GEORGE HUBBARD • 918 / 541-5482
Send To :
Please Accept My Membership To The After 5 Club .
City : _____________________________________________ State : _________ Zip : _____________
After 5 Club c / o American Cattle Services 24018 State Hwy . 5 Chattanooga , OK 73528
U . S . red meat exports closed the first half of the year at record levels , according to data released by USDA and compiled by the U . S . Meat Export Federation ( USMEF ). Although volume and value eased from the enormous totals posted in April and May , export value was still the highest on record for the month of June and first-half shipments established a record pace for both beef and pork exports .
June beef exports totaled 112,249 metric tons ( mt ), up 42 % from a year ago when exports were still hampered by a COVID-related slowdown in production . Export value was $ 804.4 million , up 68 % from a year ago and the third highest on record after April and May of this year . First-half exports reached 700,087 mt , up 18 % from a year ago , valued at $ 4.64 billion ( up 28 %). Compared to 2018 , the record year for U . S . beef exports , first-half results were up 6 % in volume and 15 % in value .
Beef export value equated to $ 351.18 per head of fed slaughter in June , up 60 % from last June ’ s COVID-impacted average . The firsthalf per-head average was $ 359.49 , up 20 % from a year ago .
USDA increased expectations for U . S . beef exports during the current fiscal year , in the latest Outlook for U . S . Agricultural Trade . Compared to the last quarterly report , projected U . S . beef export value increased $ 800 million to $ 8.4 billion on higher unit values and volumes to China , Mexico and South Korea .
Projected export value for U . S . livestock , dairy and poultry exports increased $ 2.2 billion to $ 36.4 billion due to increases in all product groups except pork .
Next year , USDA expects beef exports to be $ 100 million less than this year due to lower exportable supplies . Fiscal year 2022 livestock , poultry and dairy exports were forecast $ 400 million higher than this year at $ 36.8 billion primarily due to growth in dairy and poultry products .
U . S . agricultural exports next year were projected $ 4.0 billion higher than this year at $ 177.5 billion .
“ The global COVID-19 pandemic remains the primary factor affecting economic activity across the globe . The prevalence of the Delta variant has renewed concerns over pandemic-induced pressure on public health infrastructures , softening consumer spending and global supply chain recovery ,” say ERS analysts . “ Microchip manufacturing and the shipping of physical goods are two aspects of the global economy that continue to observe elevated prices from supply chain disruptions . Despite these economic challenges , employment statistics and consumer confidence have remained strong , pointing to a continued economic recovery through the end of 2021 . World real gross domestic product ( GDP ) is projected to increase by 5.7 % in the remainder of 2021 , and subsequently increase by 4.6 % in 2022 .”
Growth projections for real U . S . GDP this year were raised to 6.2 % from previous estimate of 5.8 %.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR : Wes Ishmael has been involved with livestock publications since 1983 . Wes grew up in Colorado and has always been in and around the livestock business . He now lives in Benbrook , Texas .
62 • OCTOBER 2021