Limousin365 October 2021 Issue | Page 50

continued from page 46
breeding objectives include producing polled calves , parents with the homozygous polled genotype will sire / produce nothing but polled calves . Traits like coat color and most of the identified genetic defects are also simply inherited .
GE-EPDs increase the accuracy of selection for traits influenced by the thousands of genes . This would include traits like calving-ease , weaning and yearling weights , carcass traits and maternal performance .
Breeders should contact their breed association for information and proper procedures for submitting DNA samples . DNA samples can be submitted in the form of blood ( in purple topped tube or on a DNA card ), tissue samples from an ear notch , hair follicles collected from the switch ( from cattle weaning age or older ) and straws of semen .
Prices for DNA testing have come down dramatically over the past several years . Information on available tests and prices available through your breed association should be taken into account in considering the return on investment . Identifying genetically superior animals early in life not only increases the effectiveness of selection in your program , it also provides more reliable estimates of genetic potential to customers purchasing registered , pedigreed seedstock .
Source : Oklahoma State University
EXCLUSIVE POSITIONS — annually Association , Youth , Commercial , Events , Online-Contact for Pricing
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FEATURED AD LISTING —$ 750 per 30 day-cycle
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NORTH REGION Will Bollum 507 / 244-0833 will @ limousin365 . com
SOUTH REGION DeRon Heldermon 405 / 850-5102 deron @ limousin365 . com
48 • OCTOBER 2021