Limousin365 October 2021 Issue | Page 40

continued from page 36
life and the cattle program . “ They ’ ve both always gone out of their way to answer any questions I have ,” Jon said . The Etherton family , also from Illinois , was also a huge influence on their program in Jon ’ s early years .
“ It ’ s something they do together as a family no matter what . Ron , his son Jon , and his four grandsons have been truly remarkable to watch progress throughout the years . They ’ re hard workers , true to who they are , and they always try to do everything the right way , the best way possible ,” McKinna remarked .
Ron thoroughly enjoys watching Limousin juniors interact with the judges and the camaraderie with each other at various shows and events . “ Watching them progress and grow over the years is spectacular ,” Ron said .
A favorite experience each year for Jon is the National Junior Limousin Show & Congress . “ No matter where it ’ s at , everyone ’ s there . We do it as a family every year together ,” Jon said .
The National Junior Limousin Show & Congress holds a special place in Ron ’ s heart as well . A highlight for their program was
A recent highlight in the show ring for the Freed family includes Third Overall Lim-Flex Female at the 2019 National Junior Show with SSTO Fancy 8865F .
when SSTO Fancy 8865F was named Third Overall Lim-Flex Female at the 2019 NJLS & C in Springfield , Missouri . “ That was a big deal for us . It ’ s hard to create and manage an elite show female ,” Ron said .
Another highlight for the Freed family was this past summer at the Eastern Regional Junior Show when eight-year-old Ty won the Purebred Champion Female title with PRF HB Hayven .
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MAGS Firestone
Sold in Last Year ’ s Sale - BL Girl Next Door 994G
Sitz Resilient • AAA19057457
SELLING 34 LOTS of Registered Open Heifer Calves , Registered Bred Heifers , Registered Bred Cows , Registered Lim-Flex Females
FEATURED SIRES include HF Boon Dox , Sitz Resilient , Sitz Stellar , HF Alcatraz , AHCC Hemi , TNGC Empire , Rimrock Lightning , Sitz Tucker , MAGS Cable , MAGS Firestone
SERVICE SIRES will be HF Roper , HF Boondox , Wayfair Fair and Square , Rimrock Lightning , LFL Genetic Values , Connealy Emerald , MAGS Cable , CJSL Creed , BL Hulk


SALE LOCATION : New Bonneville County Fair Grounds 1542 E 73rd South , Idaho Falls , ID
Real-time is available via the internet for this sale .
All registered Females will have GENOMIC ENHANCED EPDS .
Chet Adams 208.313.5844 chetadams53 @ gmail . com adamsangusacres . com
Arnold & Teresa Callison 208.681.8441 rimrockangus @ live . com rimrockangus . com
Wade & Vicki Beckman 208.313.0235 beckmanlivestock @ gmail . com beckmanlivestock . com
PICTURES & VIDEOS will be on our website 10 days prior to the sale .
Be sure to join us for our bull sale in March 2022 !
38 • OCTOBER 2021