Limousin365 July 2021 Issue | Page 8


by Kiley McKinna

Welcome to the Limousin365 annual Breeder Directory Edition ! As you page through this issue , you ’ ll find many of the breed ’ s most relevant and progressive programs showcased in accompaniment with multiple feature stories and industry news . As I write this column , pondering which direction to head , a few phrases come to mind — generational success ; it ’ s a people business ; data really matters and opportunity abounds . Many examples of these ‘ catch ’ phrases can be found in this issue . That said , I wanted to reflect upon these phrases as they apply to the genuine character of not only the breed but , the people involved in the breed .

Generational Success “ The neat part about it is I was born and raised on the farm my parents have right now . They own it and will own it forever .”
If you didn ’ t know better , you ’ d think this was a quote I pulled from the now famed “ Yellowstone ” series . However , this quote isn ’ t from John Dutton but , one I pulled from the Glendenning J Bar J Ranch feature story found on page 66 of this issue .
That said , I was reminded again of one of the hallmarks of the agriculture business — witnessing the tradition of multi-generational families succeeding over an extended period of time . As it relates to our Limousin family , it ’ s staggering the scores of programs that fall into this category . In the seedstock business we often find ourselves talking about program stayability / longevity or the lack thereof . As we evaluate the landscape of our breed , we are truly blessed to have several programs that fall into the “ multi-generation ” category . From my perspective , that ’ s exciting because it suggests the backbone of the breed is strong and projects to remain so into the distant future . Again , we will be reminded of that generational vibrance ( grand parents , parents and kids ) July 3-8 at our National Junior Heifer Show in Grand Island , Nebraska , which will feature one of the largest Limousin showcases in recent memory boasting more than 450 entries .
It ’ s a People Business “ It always goes back to the people for us .”
As with most things in life , people prefer to do business with people they enjoy doing business with ! The feature story showcasing the ATAK Limousin family found on page 50 is a both a warming and stark reminder of this simple concept . All too often , as breeders , marketers and breed advocates we get caught up in trying to create the ideal “ product ” and at times forget the value in the cultivation of relationships . I would contend , product focus is necessary but , the effort put forth to cultivate both existing and new relationships adds more value to your program at day ’ s end than anything else you can possibly do . That said , I ’ d challenge you to take some time to make an extra herd visit , make that phone call when you ’ re not selling something , or take a minute to lean on the fence and visit with your fellow breeders . I think you ’ ll appreciate the rewards of those actions .
Data Really Matters “ Accurate collection of data is important to us to ensure we are providing our customers with a true representation of the genetic potential of the cattle .”
Today , more than ever , the registered cattle business is in many instances , data driven . Almost all seedstock producers , and a growing number of commercial cattlemen , heavily weigh actual performance , ultrasound data , carcass results , etc . when making buying decisions . As such , it should come as no surprise that veteran seedstock producers , like NALF Ex-Officio , Curt Wieczorek , are implementing programs and practices to capture as much relevant data as possible that they can in turn relay to their potential customers . Beginning on page 34 of this issue you can gain insight into the Wieczorek operation and how their program has evolved to be more data driven since their introduction into the Limousin breed nearly 50 years ago .
Opportunity Abounds .
Lastly , I ’ d like to briefly touch on what has become somewhat of a hot button topic in our industry and that is the National Western Stock Show vs . the Cattlemen ’ s Congress . And while I said ‘ versus ’ on purpose , that is not my belief at all . It seems many producers , for some reason , have decided to pit one event against the other — to what benefit , I am not certain . Myself , as well as a litany of other seedstock professionals I have visited with , contend there is room in this industry for both . From what I can tell after checking both schedules , producers can attend both events whether you exhibit cattle or not . As I eluded to earlier in this column , the seedstock business is a people business , and there is no substitute for looking a person in the eye and extending a firm hand in greeting . It seems we all have jam-packed schedules 52 weeks a year , so it basically boils down to deciding when and where your time is best spent . In my humble opinion , the more time you can spend around individuals with like minds and similar goals can do nothing but have a positive affect on your future .
In closing , I sincerely hope you enjoy our Breeder Directory issue , it is of benefit to your respective program and a promotional piece the Limousin breed can be proud of . A big thank-you to all of the advertisers , readership and those that continue to support and offer feedback as it relates to your magazine , Limousin365 . We are all in it together and Limousin proud .
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