Limousin365 July 2021 Issue | Page 5

Tried True &

The cattle at Begert Limousin are a lot like the ranching methods we use — they have been proven over time . Just like a good ranch horse has proven to be invaluable , the value of our time-tested genetics have proven to be essential for our customer ’ s success . Since 1974 , Begert Limousin has been breeding black , polled Purebred Limousin in a real world environment . That has a way of proving what works and what doesn ’ t real quick . Capitalize on our 47 years of breeding and selection of “ tried and true ” genetics .
Homozygous Black , Homozygous Polled Bulls and Females for Sale Year Round
Hiram and Darenda • 806 / 375-2346 Bret , Hayley , McKinley & Boone • 806 / 375-2345 Box 110 , Allison , Texas 79003 begertranch @ wildblue . net www . begertlimousinranch . com
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