Taking Pride in all that we do and have done .
by Randy Ratliff
“ A feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one ’ s own achievements , the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated , or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired ”
Given what this world has gone through the past year with Covid , I can ’ t help but think about what it brought to us and all that everyone had to deal with . I truly believe it made us realize we can ’ t take anything for granted . It seems as if nothing can ever just be perfect , there always needs to be a reset button to keep us all in check . Covid was sure the catalyst to make us stand up , take note and be accountable for our actions . So many people have their stories , people they may have lost , along with businesses affected ; I just have a story of one year I will never get back in my life . My mother is in a nursing home in Kansas and is being cared for very well . We have a great relationship and talk often , but for one year during Covid we
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Since 1969 & Still Strong were not able to see each other or experience our company together . With the disease Dementia rapidly taking over her mind , I quickly realized how fast things happen and how loss hits you right in the gut . I relate this to the connection many of us have in the Limousin breed and the relationships developed over the years and how we should not take any of them for granted .
Like in my life , this Limousin business will always be a family business ! No matter what life throws at us , we will always prevail together !
I also believe the same is true in the seedstock business . We can never take our clients for granted and we also have to keep pushing and moving forward to properly service our loyal customers as well as capture the attention of new business .
No matter whether you represent a family ranching legacy , a smaller “ hobby ” type operation or a show cattle family operation , we all have one common denominator and that is “ family ”. The bond and friendships made within our breed is both inspiring and intoxicating .
Where the Limousin Breed is positioned in the industry is exciting for all of us in the business ! The Limousin and Lim-Flex product is the most sought after and looked at in the entire industry . The structural soundness and integrity are like no other and that , combined with their performance and feed efficiency , makes the product the best fit for the cattle industry and is admired by astute cattleman around the globe .
The dedication and commitment of the founding members to make the breed the best it can be is commendable . The current NALF staff , along with the devoted NALF Board of Directors , work endless hours to make sure the right steps are made for the most positive results for the perception of our breed .
Sometimes it just feels good to tell it like it is ! In this instance , it feels really good to boast a little about the Limousin Family and all that the Breed stands for .
# LimousinProud # FamilyMatters Best Regards ,
Randall O . Ratliff R & R Marketing Company
26 • JULY 2021