Shows Big Red Beef Show M arch 9, 2019 • G rand I sland , N eb . JKTW Free Dance 436F Grand champion Limousin female : JKTW Free Dance 436F, 4/23/2018, sired by TREF Cowboy Up 775C, out of SL Miss Right, exhibited by Grayhm Beck, Fairfield, Neb. JKTW Emagination 1279E Reserve champion Limousin female : JKTW Emagination 1279E, 12/1/2017, sired by TREF Cowboy Up 775C, out of Wulfs Youlandie 1279Y, exhibited by Grayce Beck, Fairfield, Neb. LT Eastern Regional Junior Limousin Show J une 8, 2019 • M urfreesboro , T enn . • J udge : W ill C oor , H illsboro , O hio Grand champion Limousin female: TASF Whiskey 222F ET, exhibited by Callie Hicks, Midway, Ky. Reserve champion Limousin female: Legacy’s Fancy, exhibited by Dominic Ruppert, Witt, Ill. Grand champion Lim-Flex female: TASF Forever Classy 216F ET, exhibited by John Crawford, Big Pool, Md. Reserve champion Lim-Flex female: AUTO Felina ET, exhibited by Keely Shultz, Danielsville, Ga. LIMOUSIN Today | 95