Officers Elected
On Saturday, June 29, 2019, applicants interviewed
for four open positions on the North American
Limousin Junior Association (NALJA) board. They
spoke about their desire to be on the board, their
biggest influences in life, and their future goals.
Gulotta of Independence, La. Lindsey intends
to continue her involvement with the cattle
industry and the Limousin breed as she furthers
her education at Louisiana State University.
The new officers and board members
for the 2019-2020 year were named
during the awards ceremony held on
July 5, 2019 in Springfield, Missouri. Colt Schrader, Beggs, Okla. was selected to serve
as the vice president for the 2019-2020 year. Colt
is the son of Art and Lesa Schrader. He is currently
attending Oklahoma State University with the goal
to be an agriculture teacher and FFA Advisor.
Elected to lead NALJA as president for the
upcoming year is Lindsey Gulotta, Independence,
La. Lindsey is the daughter of Troy and Linda Serving as the 2019-2020 NALJA secretary is
Hannah Ziegler. She is the daughter of Chris
Ziegler of Bloomville, Ohio. Hannah plans to
The 2019-2020 North American Limousin Junior Association Board of Directors: (seated) Lindsey Gulotta, Independence, La., president; Colt
Schrader, Beggs, Okla., vice president; Hannah Ziegler, Bloomville, Ohio, secretary; Zane Gavette, Everson, Wash., treasurer; Randa Taylor,
Decatur, Texas; ex-officio; (standing) Katie Campbell, NALF director of activities; Clayton Schowe, Cassville, Mo.; Riley Smith, Macomb, Ill.,
Tristan Gulotta, Independence, La., Wiley Fanta, Starbuck, Minn.; and Shelby Hubbard, Miami, Okla.