Performance Line As with research into genetic selection for any trait, having data available on relevant traits is the first step. And that’s where we come in – many of you have collected the desired data during your bulls’ breeding soundness exams. Below are the data points the researchers wish to capture: • • • • • • • • Sperm Concentration Motility Percent Normal Percent Abnormal Percent Primary Abnormalities Percent Secondary Abnormalities Pass/Fail Reason for Fail 30 | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2019 If available, these metrics may also be of interest: • • • • • • • Detached Head Proximal Droplet Distal Droplet Abnormal Head Bent Tail Midpiece Motility Score If you are interested in providing data for this project and to help develop genetic selection tools for male fertility in the Limousin breed, please contact me via email at [email protected]. Kastelic, J.P., Thundathil, J.C., and L. F. C. Brito. 2012. Bull BSE and semen analysis for predicting bull fertility. Clinical Theriogenology. 4:277-287. LT