Management will be discounted to an even greater degree and will have a hard time finding a home. good calves throughout the calf crop and a large percentage of poor or average animals. But from a producer’s small dot on the GPS map, the question becomes - what are good genetics and how do you create and maintain them? “If it takes more than two sentences to describe your cattle to a buyer, plan on getting discounted,” said Tom Brink, CEO of Red Angus Association and a past president of J & F Oklahoma Holdings, Five Rivers Cattle Feeding. “What does that say about your calves? You just told the buyer you don’t have a breeding program; your genetics are all mixed up, and you’ve been on this path to nowhere for a while. These calves have already been discounted in the buyer’s mind.” At the basic level, calves are a result of their parentage, thus it’s impossible to have a high quality genetically superior calf crop with a deficient cow herd and scrub bulls. To create a desired product, there must first be a top shelf biological delivery system. Recent issues of LIMOUSIN TODAY have re- iterated the importance of excellent quality herd sires and superior maternal dams. This should not be ignored. Weak parentage will undoubtedly produce deficient offspring. While cattle buyers throughout the country may not all agree on a preferred color, ears or hair coats, they will all be on board with certain traits. Universally, they want well rounded, balanced calves that will grow and gain weight efficiently plus finish quickly with carcasses that yield and grade well. They want healthy, properly framed, vigorous calves with acceptable dispositions, strong structure and realistic conformations. Before making drastic changes to conform a calf crop into a more desired commodity, producers should realistically assess the bare bones of their cattle operation and the genetics they already have. Are the bulls good enough to create the desired offspring or are replacements needed to raise the bar? Does the cow herd measure up or is substantial culling and a new direction the way to bring the focus of the calf crop into more desired parameters? Making it even more complicated, cattle buyers also demand uniformity in larger groups. Higher profits are not achieved with a smattering of When making changes to upgrade genetics, trim the edges and dispose of the weak spots. Bring the focus and target of the calf crop to the positive side of the scale, not accepting that only a few calves will reach that target but working consistently to propel a large percentage of the calf crop onto that side of the ledger. Work the genetics for uniformity in frame size, weights, disposition and vigor, then worry about the preferred color for your area of the country. Having the right color of calves is useless if they aren’t quality animals. “Good genetics are going to be good genetics, no matter what color it is,” said Jack Frost of Springfield Livestock Marketing. It’s impossible to predict the exact feed efficiency and average daily gain for any calf crop, but they can be positioned properly with high quality genetics. Demanding good fertility, conformation, easy calving and other desired traits of herd bulls plus the strong maternal traits and qualities of the cow herd will move the genetic needle in the right direction. Combined with strong management practices and smart realistic health protocols, producers will be able to provide the commodity that cattle buyers in their area desire with much greater accuracy, in turn increasing the always important profit margin. LT LIMOUSIN Today | 23