Good Times in Springfield From the Field By Andy Rest, NALF regional manager This year’s National Junior Limousin Show & Congress is now history. For the fifth time, Springfield, Missouri hosted this historic event that saw exhibitors from 23 states enter over 300 head. Both show days, Judges Ryan Haefner of Clinton, Ill. and Tim Fitzgerald of West Grove, Penn., commented on the extreme quality to be found in every class. There were some very good cattle that ended up standing down the line throughout both shows. As a new member of the Limousin Journal, I had the opportunity to attend the very first National Junior show held in Springfield in 1977. At that first show a total of 63 entries from eight states competed. Since that time, I’ve attended approximately 25 “junior nationals” and it’s become one of the events I truly look forward to each year. Obviously, the shows are impressive but for me the real highlights are walking through the barns and watching the interaction between the kids, their parents and many times the grandparents. Over the years, it’s been fun to watch kids go from “tenderfoots” at their first show, to becoming seasoned veterans and showman. Life-long friendships have been formed and many of today’s adult leaders in the Limousin business got their start and developed their leadership skills at this event. A tip of the hat to Katie Campbell, director of activities; Randa Taylor, NALJA president; and the entire NALJA board of directors for the countless hours they put into making the show run efficiently. In addition, the members of the Missouri Limousin Association also did a tremendous job hosting a long week of Limousin activities. A special thanks to Ed Pinegar, Ty & Susie Heavin, T.J. Callahan, Nathan and Rebecca Hunt, and countless other MLA members I saw who put in long hours before and after each show. A special occasion during the week was the induction of Gene Raymond, Garnett, Kan., into the North American Limousin Hall of Fame. As most of you know, Gene passed away in January and is the seventh individual to receive this prestigious honor joining Floyd McGown, Dale Runnion, Leonard Wulf, Ken Holloway, Herman Symens, and C.K. “Sonny” Booth. A fitting conclusion to the week’s activities was the 34th annual All-American Limousin Futurity. Ken and Sue Ann Holloway and the entire American Cattle Service team always do an excellent job with this show. Former NALJA member Jonathan Perry, Fayetteville, Tenn. served as the judge and again the quality ran extremely deep. Hard to believe but by the time you read this the majority of the state fair shows will be finished and the fall show and sale season will be just around the corner. I’ll hope to visit with many of you down the Limousin road! LT LIMOUSIN Today | 111