Member and Industry News Briefs
Texas Limousin Association Announces Brittni Allerkamp as
new Executive Secretary
Brittni Allerkamp has been selected as the new Executive
Secretary of the Texas Limousin Association.
Brittni comes with a passion for Livestock, experience and
education in Agricultural Communications, Organizational
Skills, Livestock Judging experience, Multimedia experience,
Stock Show internships including Denver, Dallas, and
San Antonio. Brittni grew up in Comfort, Texas, attended
South Plains College and Texas Tech University. She
will be continuing in the fall at Texas Tech University
pursuing a master’s degree in Agricultural education.
The Texas Limousin Association Board is excited about
having Brittni as our Executive Secretary, what she
brings to the association and of things to come! I
New contact and Texas Limousin
Association address:
Brittni Allerkamp
Texas Limousin Association
26 | OCTOBER 2017
PO Box 6097
Lubbock, Texas 79493