Wulfs CONVERSION 3970C 8 / 22 / 15 • Homo Polled ( T ) • Homo Black • Purebred RUNL Stetson 8505 x TMCK Lantern 070A CED : 13 BW : 0.1 WW : 83 YW : 127 MK : 25 TM : 66 CEM : 8 SC : 0.70 ST : 22 Doc : 26 YG : 0.10 CW : 42 REA : 0.46 MB : 0.26 FT : 0.00 $ MTI : 63.77 Owned with Wulf Cattle .
for calves to find them ,” says Dickerson . “ Bunks or self-feeders should be placed perpendicular to the fence line so when calves are rounding the pen trying to determine how to get out , they will bump into their feed .”
“ Similarly , we recommend placing mineral tubs along the pen perimeter so calves encounter them as they are circulating and begin licking the tub . Licking causes salivation , which encourages further consumption of the diet .”
4 . Consider water sources , cleanliness
“ If your calves are suddenly moved into a pen with an automatic waterer and they ’ ve never used one before , you can ’ t expect them to walk right up and drink out of one ,” says Dickerson .
It will take some time for calves to adapt to their surroundings and navigate the facilities with ease . Until then , one way to keep calves hydrated is to place some additional water tanks or tubs in the pen . Similar to feed bunk placement , water tanks or tubs should be placed along the fence line so calves will quickly find them and start drinking .
Cleanliness is also paramount to water consumption . All water sources should be checked at least daily for cleanliness and to make sure the source has adequate flow .
Weaning can be very stressful for calves , but implementing a few new nutritional strategies can help the transition be more seamless . If your calves find themselves in the middle of a potluck feast , they ’ ll be quicker to eat and overcome the stressors of weaning .
To find solutions that support healthy calves and more pounds , visit purinamills . com / cattle .
Purina Animal Nutrition LLC ( www . purinamills . com ) is a national organization serving producers , animal owners and their families through more than 4,700 local cooperatives , independent dealers and other large retailers throughout the United States . Driven to unlock the greatest potential in every animal , the company is an industry-leading innovator offering a valued portfolio of complete feeds , supplements , premixes , ingredients and specialty technologies for the livestock and lifestyle animal markets . Purina Animal Nutrition LLC is headquartered in Shoreview , Minn ., and a wholly owned subsidiary of Land O ’ Lakes , Inc . I
Wulfs CONVERSION 3970C 8 / 22 / 15 • Homo Polled ( T ) • Homo Black • Purebred RUNL Stetson 8505 x TMCK Lantern 070A CED : 13 BW : 0.1 WW : 83 YW : 127 MK : 25 TM : 66 CEM : 8 SC : 0.70 ST : 22 Doc : 26 YG : 0.10 CW : 42 REA : 0.46 MB : 0.26 FT : 0.00 $ MTI : 63.77 Owned with Wulf Cattle .
This young standout at Wulf ’ s past spring sale certainly generated a lot of interest and is all you expect out of Limousin cattle , while sporting breed-leading carcass traits . Don ’ t make the mistake of not adding this young stud to your fall line up . Semen $ 40 Contact Owners , Grassroots or Limi-Gene
Bulls • Females availaBle Private treaty
13315 Church St . | Mount Perry , OH 43760 Ben Petre : 740-408-2433 | Caleb Miller : 614-218-2043
18 | OCTOBER 2017