Additional Detrimental Effects of Underfeeding
Beef cows that are underfed during gestation
and lactation may have additional areas of
poor production. Here are two of the issues:
• Underfeeding during gestation will
reduce birth weights but may increase the
number of difficult births, or dystocia.
• Undernourished or thin
cows may have reduced
quantity and quality of
colostrum. Colostrum
is a form of milk that
mammals produce in late
pregnancy. It contains
energy, protein, fat and
vitamins, plus antibodies
to protect newborns
against disease until their
own immune system is
totally functional. Lower-
quality colostrum may
result in calves with more
illnesses (scours) during
early lactation. Reduced
immunity also may lead to
poorer calf survival rates.
“A ration should be balanced for
energy, crude protein, minerals
and vitamins,” Hoppe says.
“Nutrients are needed by the cow
in constant proportions every
day. Any nutrient deficiency will
lead to reduced digestion and
metabolism. Reducing nutrients
below the animals’ requirements
might reduce feed costs but
will also limit production.”
Energy can be underfed in a diet
to manage energy reserves (BCS
or body fat). However, protein
needs to be supplemented.
“The most efficient nutritional management
strategy is through feeding adequate
amounts of nutrients daily,” Dhuyvetter says.
“Matching energy needs during cold weather
stress by increasing feed energy helps cows
survive extreme cold weather.” I
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3/28/15 • Homo Polled (T) • Homo Black (T) • 57% Lim-Flex
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MB: 0.16 FT: -0.06 $MTI: 60.81
13315 Church St. | Mount Perry, OH 43760
Ben Petre: 740-408-2433
Caleb Miller: 614-218-2043
LIMOUSIN Today | 31