Vorthmann Limousin
“Focus on Family
Values” Sale $4,750 - Bull, DEBV Footloose
828F ET, 3/3/2018, 44% Lim-Flex,
black, homozygous polled, sired
by PVF Insight 0129, purchased
by Steve Baier, Griswold, Iowa.
September 29, 2018
Treynor, Iowa
Sale consultant: MC
Marketing Management $4,500 - Bull, VL First and Goal 812F,
1/22/2018, black, homozygous
polled, sired by Alter Ego, purchased
by Josh Guttau, Treynor, Iowa. I
Roger Vorthmann with several 4-H members
in Pottawonomie County who purchased
their steers from the Vorthmann sale.
2 Bred females ......................... $2,750
4 Bulls ..................................... $4,812
10 Open females ........................ $4,375
15 Steers .................................... $1,147
$7,750 - Heifer, DEBV Flower Girl
813F, 1/24/2018, red, double polled,
sired by Alter Ego, purchased by
Jed Watje, Weatherford, Texas.
$7,500 - Heifer, DEBV Felicity
821F ET, 2/26/2018, 73% Lim-Flex,
black, homozygous polled, sired
by MAGS Aviator, purchased by
Linhart Limousin, Leon, Iowa.
$6,500 - Heifer, DEBV Fame 807F,
1/15/2018, 73% Lim-Flex, double
black, double polled, sired by
MAGS Aviator, purchased by Long
and Sons Limousin, Afton, Iowa.
$4,000 - VL First Fling 839F,
3/18/2018, 66% Lim-Flex, double
black, double polled, sired by DEBV
Coal Miner 563C ET, purchased by
Chachere Limousin, Dayton, Texas.
The Foundation
Sale IV
Cheramie Viator, Childress, Texas, purchased
a high selling open female and are pictured
with Roger and Ann Vorthmann.
Show Heifers – Sire: ACHH Diamond 82 D ET ..
........................................................ $26,667
Logan Chachere, Dayton, Texas, with Kyle
and Kevin Linhart of Leon, Iowa, purchased
females from the Vorthmanns.
$4,000 - Heifer, VL Flair 842F,
4/06/2018, 66% Lim-Flex, double
black, homozygous polled, sired by
DEBV Coal Miner 563C, purchased
by Cheramie Viator, Childress, Texas.
$6,750 - Bull, DEBV Extra Credit
749E, 7/21/2017, 40% Lim-Flex,
black, homozygous polled, sired
by BC II Skyfall 281, purchased by
Lammert Farms, Treynor, Iowa.
October 6, 2018
Bowling Green, Ky.
Hosted by: A C H Holdings, LLC;
Stephen, Emily and Carter Haynes
Auctioneer: Carroll
T. Cannon
2 Fullblood Limousin
show heifers (1/2 interest)
1 Purebred black show heifer
(100% interest & possession)
Fullblood Limousin:
20 Bred Fullblood females .......... $2,585
7 Fullblood cow/calf pairs ......... $5,479
10 Open Fullblood heifers ........... $1,940
Tested & untested FullBlood bulls .....
Purebred Limousin:
Long and Sons Limousin, Afton, Iowa, purchased
a high selling female from the Vorthmann Family
Values Sale. Pictured are William and Sarah Long
with children Riley, Peyton, Maria, and Emmet.
8 Bred Purebred females .......... $1,725
3 Purebred cow/calf pairs ......... $2,000
2 Open Purebred heifers ........... $1,125
5 Tested & untested Purebred bulls ......
............................................. $2,260
Bear Creek Lim-Flex Reduction:
Bred Percentage/Lim-flex females.....
44 | NOVEMBER 2018