Performance Line
Changes in EPDs
By Tonya Amen, National Center for Beef Excellence
It’s likely that you’ve probably
noticed some recent changes
to EPDs for Limousin
and LimFlex animals.
animals tested, but also relatives
up and down the pedigree.
In fact, due to relationship
with animals who are tested
and knowledge of the bovine
As you’re aware, your National
genome, even animals who are
Cattle Evaluation (NCE) use to
not tested receive an imputed
be ran twice annually, usually at
genotype. This highlights the
the start of Fall and sometime
importance of testing AI sires,
in January. All performance
donor dams, and any animals
that have a
high impact
in your herd
with a higher
blending at
density test,
the accuracy
GE-EPDs of imputation
for their
progeny and
other relatives
depends on it.
Figure 1: Former bi-annual NCE components.
and pedigree information was
used in the evaluation, and
after the newly computed EPDs
were received, genomic results
were blended in-house post-
evaluation (Figure 1). At that
time, genomic results impacted
only the animal that was tested.
Early in August, NALF
migrated to the much-awaited
BOLT-powered evaluation.
With that release, now all
pedigree, performance and
genomic information is used
simultaneously (Figure 2).
Additionally, genomic profile
results not only impact the
submitted. As illustrated
in Table 1, genotyping an
unproven potential sire or dam
can add the same amount of
accuracy as the submission
of 15-20 performance records
for the trait of interested
measured on their progeny.
We do hear a lot about
genomics these days, but it
is important to emphasize
the importance of good, old-
fashioned performance data.
In addition to being critical for
ensuring the efficacy of genomic
tests, performance data is the
only was to truly “prove” a sire
or dam (Table 2). You’ll notice
that 15-20 progeny records for
In addition, EPDs are now are
available on a weekly basis.
Any performance data that you
submit by close-of-business
on Monday will be reflected
in the EPDs released the
following Monday. Likewise,
any genomic results received by
close-of-business Monday will
be reflected in EPDs released
the following Monday.
Incorporating a genomic
profile into the EPDs for young,
unproven animals is a great
way to increase accuracy and
decrease risk of unanticipated
EPD changes when the animal
begins to have progeny data
Figure 2: BOLT-powered EPD components
a moderately heritable trait
will yield an accuracy of .2-.4,
which is about what you can
expect for genomic results.
LIMOUSIN Today | 19