LIMOUSIN TODAY Limtoday-March 2018-Web | Page 74

From the Field A Denver To Remember By Andy Rest, NALF regional manager The 2018 Limousin activities at the National Western Stock Show are history and I left the Mile-High City feeling good about the many Limousin activities that took place. Kicking things off on a very positive note was the Magness Land & Cattle Elite Female Sale on Saturday night as a large crowd took advantage of the opportunity to add quality heifers to their programs. The next evening was the National Sale and I felt it was the strongest set of cattle and genetics offered in the last few years. Having the sale in the more intimate setting of the National Western Club was great. The enthusiastic bidding 72 | MARCH 2018 and strong prices reflected the quality being offered for sale. known Cattlemen To Cattlemen RFD television show for $8,500. It was very gratifying to see the large turnout at the NALF Banquet and the Genetics on Ice Auction that benefits the North American Junior Limousin Association and All- American Futurity, there truly was something for everybody. A special thanks to the Settje Family of Lonely Valley Limousin and LV Bar Ranch for donating the pick of the 2017 spring born heifer calves from their Kansas operation. A special highlight of the auction was Symens Brothers of Amherst, SD purchasing a 30 second commercial spot on the well- The National Western junior and open shows featured impressive depth of quality. An unfortunate loss of electric power pushed the junior show’s start back several hours and with both shows being held back to back, the delay made for a long day for the exhibitors. While it would be nice to see a few more numbers in each show, both judges commented time and time again on the extreme quality to be found in class after class. Like many Limousin enthusiasts the pen and carload show in Denver is always a very special day for me. This year was no exception as the