keeping track of your herd
through the NALF-DigitalBeef
member site. And for the first
time ever, the LIMS enrollment
process is automated. This
greatly alleviates the stress that
has surrounded enrollment
deadlines in the past.
Throw out your handwritten
forms and records. The complete
performance and reproductive
information that is required for
inventory-based recording is
now updated and submitted
online. The more specific you
are with recording this data,
the easier and quicker your
registrations will be later on.
In addition, managing your
herd through the many tools
on the NALF-DigitalBeef
platform will also be easier
and more comprehensive.
More reliable EPDs
This total herd reporting
program contributes more
complete and comprehensive
production information, helping
to position breeders and the
Limousin breed as a whole
for future improvements.
The NALF-DigitalBeef platform
has the capacity to keep all
these records for members,
so that you can look back on
history, not having to worry
about if the reports are lost.
Be certified
LIMS members have access to
the LIMS certified seal. This seal
signifies premier dedication and
commitment to providing whole
herd performance data. This
means that 100 percent of the
LIMS Calendar
Limousin Inventory Management System
Spring Season: January 1 through May 31
Fall Season: June 1 through December 31
December 1 - February 15
Enroll Spring inventory
• Designate any animals that need to be moved to Fall season
• Enter disposal codes for females no longer in herd
• Mark any foreign, recipient females, and donor dams
All calving data due for previous year's Spring enrollment
• No progeny code required if no calf was born
All weaning data due (weight/docility) for previous year's Spring
February 23
Late deadline for any add/removal to your Spring inventory
• No late period allowed for weaning and calving data
FEBRUARY 25: First half SPRING cow assessment and second half FALL
cow assessment invoices mailed out
May 1 - July 15
Enroll Fall inventory
• Designate any animals that need to be moved to Spring season
• Enter disposal codes for females no longer in herd
• Mark any foreign, recipient females, and donor dams
All calving data due for previous year's Fall enrollment
• No progeny code required if no calf was born
All weaning data due (weight/docility) for previous year's Fall
July 23
Late deadline for any add/removal to your Fall inventory
• No late period allowed for weaning and calving data
JULY 25: First half FALL cow assessment and second half SPRING cow
assessment invoices mailed out
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