from 2009-2014. The current
state inventory is 4.585 million
head of beef cows. Texas has
recovered proportionately less
than any major beef cow state
since the drought of 2011-2013.
From year to year, Missouri
and Oklahoma vie to be the
number two beef cow state.
On January 1, 2018, Missouri
had an inventory of 2.166
million head, slightly more
than Oklahoma, at 2.131
million head. Over the past
decade, Oklahoma ranks
number 2 with a slightly higher
average inventory of 1.938
million head, compared to
1.916 million head for Missouri.
Both states suļ¬ered drought
reduced inventories in 2010-
2013; more pronounced in
Oklahoma where the beef
cow inventory dropped by
18 percent before recovering
by 26 percent from 2013-
2018. The 2018 Oklahoma
beef cow inventory is at the
highest level since 1983 while
Missouri is currently at a level
equal to the herd size in 2006.
Nebraska is the number four
beef cow state with a 2018
herd inventory of 1.910 million
head; quite stable over the
last decade. Number five
South Dakota has shown
recent growth in the beef cow
herd with a 2018 inventory
of 1.801 million head, well
above the decade average
of 1.656 million head. The
current South Dakota beef cow
herd is the largest since 2002.
Kansas is the number six beef
cow state with a current beef
cow inventory of 1.501 million
head, down year over year from
2017. The Kansas beef cow herd
1 pm CST
at the United Producers
Bowling Green, Kentucky
Hosted by A C H Holdings LLC
has been more variable over
the last decade with a drought
low of 1.328 million head in
2013. The decade average beef
cow herd in Kansas is 1.465
million head. Number seven
Montana has a 2018 beef cow
inventory of 1.497 million head.
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