Nutrition into the calving season at a body condition score of 5 to 6 , they ’ re not likely to have restricted the calf , and are going to be much more likely to re-breed during the next breeding season than if they calve at a lower body condition score . Nutrition generally only causes calving difficulty when females are overfed to the extent that they become obese – body condition scores of 8 and 9 . Below that , we generally don ’ t run into calving issues – at least not issues that were caused by nutrition .
Q : Do I really need to feed high-mag mineral ? important minerals during times of need . I think that ’ s a valid concern . So if you ’ re interested in feeding an elevated level of Mg year-round , look for an option that is labelled for a higher level of consumption , and intermediate in terms of its
Mg content . And don ’ t forget to keep some records that will verify that the cattle are actually consuming that amount . Why ? Because a mineral supplement that contains 5 or 6 % Mg that is consumed at a rate of 4 oz . per head per day will provide cattle
A : Yes – at least for a portion of the year . Generally speaking , that time of year is going to be early in the spring , and late in the fall . Think the time of year that we see green-ups and rapidly growing forages . For most of us in the mid-south and southeast , that can potentially be any time of year . Because of this , many could benefit from supplementing an elevated level of magnesium ( Mg ) year-round . But one of the things that we need to consider is intake . Traditional high-mag minerals – let ’ s say 10 to 18 % magnesium – are notorious for low consumption , and are generally labelled for an expected consumption of 2 oz . per head per day . This may not be the case for all , but it is for many . There ’ s quite a bit of concern that feeding a low-consumption traditional high-mag mineral year-round may lead to subclinical deficiencies in other
Quality Cattle For Sale Year Round


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