Breeding of the Limousin Breed in the
Czech Republic
Beef cattle – hardiness, modesty, adaptability
Beef cattle have been bred
in the Czech Republic since
the 1900‘s. The change of
political conditions after the
revolution in 1989 has been
largely reflected into the
agrarian sector. The gradual
restructuring of agricultural
production, extensive land use
on behalf of cultural landscape
conservation and the demand
for quality beef contributed
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to the rapid expansion of
beef cattle breeding.
With regard to the fact that
there is no breed of specialized
beef cattle native in the Czech
Republic, the establishment
of beef cattle breeding in the
Czech Republic were based on
massive imports from abroad
supported by the government
in the 1900‘s. The importation of
such quality purebred genetics
has given a very good starting
position for the expansion of
beef cattle breeding. Czech
beef cattle breeding have been
realized by both ways, either
in purebred form (cca 15 %) or
as crossbreeding (cca 85 %).
The Czech Republic is an ideal
place for beef cattle breeding:
• There are 23 beef breeds
(the main ones are
Charolais, Simmental and
Aberdeen Angus,
and Limousin)