President ’ s Message
Thanks to All
By Gary Fuchs , NALF president
It ’ s August . Welcome to the 2018 Feeder Calf Edition of LIMOUSIN TODAY . I hope this writing finds each of you progressing well through the summer of 2018 .
July 2018 was an eventful month for the Limousin Breed in the United States . Along with our regular National Junior Show and All-American Limousin Futurity , we hosted the 2018 International Limousin Congress .
I need to extend a warm thank you to everyone with the Colorado Limousin Association that provided help in hosting the Junior Show and the Futurity along with the assistance to coordinate with some of the early ILC events . It is always good to see our breeders work together toward a common goal . I also want to thank our staff , board and committee members that assisted in the process or organizing these events .
I want to congratulate each person that participated in the events in Denver . For those of you that had a successful time in the show ring or the satellite events , I applaud your efforts and encourage your continued participation . Without the efforts of each person , events like the National Junior Heifer Show or the All-American Futurity could not be a success .
We also had a nice group of attendees at the International Limousin Congress . Thanks to our committee , staff and any others that helped this event be a success . I extend a special thanks to our financial sponsors for their great support and to our breeders that provided opportunities for our attendees to visit their ranches to learn about Limousin in the United States .
The focus of this issue is our value to the feeder calf industry . We each need to be constantly aware that the ultimate market we must be successful in is providing breeding stock that will make our customers successful in the production of beef . Our breed is uniquely suited for the beef industry . We each need to identify ways that our herds and our breed can be successful , so we can succeed together in meeting the needs of our commercial producers .
Finally , August 23-24 are the dates of our next board meeting in Denver . Please communicate with us about your needs and expectations . Each of your board members and staff member want to work together with each other and with you for the benefit of our breed . I
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